7 Best 1 Year Anniversary Gifts: The Most Popular Ideas

The first anniversary of marriage is a special occasion. It is a romantic and unique celebration that will set the tone for subsequent anniversaries. Therefore, it is important to choose the perfect gift that will be remembered for years to come. So, here are some interesting ideas for the anniversary.

When choosing, it is important to focus on something meaningful and personal. Let it be a personalized item or a photo book with memorable photos.

Picture with a map of significant places

Couples who love art will love the idea of a picture in the form of a map. It maps the places you've visited together. The design is a relief image of a mountain range based on maps of cities and countries you've been to together. Above each illustration is an inscription with the name, date and names. The picture is printed on a wood surface painted white. The image is enclosed in a beautiful handmade frame. The engraving is perfect for those who want to remember their favorite places.

Photo art "one perfect year"

The first year of marriage after wedding is a favorite time in every couple's life together. Based on that, you can create a beautiful collage with a print. This can be a custom photo ensemble. This should add 12 photos that were taken during the year. These could be memorable events at the beach or a barbecue event in the backyard of your home. A vintage style collage looks great. The composition can have different sizes and different styles of frames.

 A collage of photographs of a man and a woman hangs on the wall

Hourglass with inscription

The perfect gift for him or her would be a personalized hourglass. The souvenir can be decorated with an inscription stating that love is timeless. You can also engrave the date of the wedding and the couple's names. The stylish decorative item will be a reminder of their feelings.

 Hourglass with gold case

Portrait with antique decorations

The perfect gift would be a photo portrait, where the couple will appear in an unusual backdrop. It can be a setting of the 18th century or a vintage atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

Portrait of a couple dressed in historical regal attires standing near red curtains hangs on a gray wall near a golden vase
Couple holding a huge portrait of themselves dressed in historical royal clothes
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical royal clothes standing near red curtains
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical regal attires in white and black
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical royal clothes with a crown
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical regal attires with a crown and medals
The portrait shows a couple dressed in white regal attires clothes with a crown and medals
The portrait depicts an elderly couple dressed in white royal clothes with a crown and medals
The portrait shows a couple dressed in black royal attires with a crown and medals
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical royal clothes with a crown standing near red curtains
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Portrait of a couple dressed in historical regal attires standing near red curtains hangs on a gray wall near a golden vase
Couple holding a huge portrait of themselves dressed in historical royal clothes
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical royal clothes standing near red curtains
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical regal attires in white and black
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical royal clothes with a crown
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical regal attires with a crown and medals
The portrait shows a couple dressed in white regal attires clothes with a crown and medals
The portrait depicts an elderly couple dressed in white royal clothes with a crown and medals
The portrait shows a couple dressed in black royal attires with a crown and medals
The portrait shows a couple dressed in historical royal clothes with a crown standing near red curtains
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait
Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait

Princess Yusupova and Alexander II portrait

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Anniversary journal

An interesting solution would be a personalized anniversary journal in the form of a memory diary. This is a special book in a silk binding, made of high-quality paper. In each section, there is a place for fixing your favorite photos, as well as space for notes. All the most memorable events can be recorded here. The journal uses heavy-duty materials, and gold lettering and details are used.


The sundial is the perfect gift for celebrating your first anniversary. The model cast in solid brass, and painted on top with white lacquered paint for outdoor use. Such a gift can be placed at home or in the garden. It will last for years to come and be a reminder of how much you can love.

Vintage compasses on white background

Printed wedding vows

An original gift would be an artistic print of wedding vows in a frame in beautiful calligraphic script. This is a great idea for an anniversary gift. Wedding vows can be printed on gorgeous paper. This is not only a wonderful way to remind you of your wedding day, but also a way to remember the promises made. For the plaques, you can choose a suitable wedding palette to match the home décor. It can be a dignified wall print in a classic or more modern frame.