8 Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds That Don't Shed
What if you love small house dogs, but always pay attention to clothes that have dog hair on them? Get a pet that does not shed and therefore does not cause allergies! We have selected some of the best options for miniature dogs lovers. Make your choice today. Dogs that don't shed and stay small all their lives are a great solution to the problem. Representatives of all the breeds listed below are suitable for a house or an apartment. They do not shed, their hair does not get into the respiratory tract or eyes.
Bedlington Terrier
These dogs were bred in the UK. Their distinctive feature is fluffiness, non-standard shape of the muzzle. Bedlington Terriers are not the most common animals today, but they are definitely worth considering if you are looking for a pet.

Coton de Tulear
These are adorable and cute dogs that do not shed. Their fur coat looks very soft: it beckons to touch and stroke! Pets of this breed are ideal companions. They are able to devote themselves to communicating with the owners all day long. To keep the Coton de Tulear looking flawless, do not forget about regular grooming.
Bichon (Havanese)
Long, silky-haired lap dogs evoke tenderness in all people! This breed was bred 300 years ago; dogs were intended precisely as companions of wealthy people. Each Gavanese has a real personality. Perhaps such an affectionate, kind pet is suitable for you.

This dog cannot be called miniature like the others on our list, but it is not large. Basenjis are perfect for all lovers of outdoor activities and sports. This is a hunting breed. The Basenji dog will not be too lazy, resting with its owner under the covers. Many dog lovers like this breed because they take good care of themselves, do not require regular haircuts, and wash with shampoos.
Miniature Poodle
Loyal and intelligent poodles are able to be family friends throughout their lives. Among dog lovers, medium-sized poodles are popular, but miniature ones are often chosen, especially when it comes to living in a small apartment. Regular grooming will keep your poodle's coat looking flawless.
Chinese Crested Dog
It is one of the most popular tiny dogs. There are varieties with thick hair or almost without it. Chinese crested dogs are distinguished by their expressive appearance. They are very sweet and photogenic. Such a pet will be equally happy to walk with you or relax on the couch. All your friends will feel genuine tenderness when they see home photos of your crested dog!

Brussels griffon
It may look like a small plush toy, but this is only the very first impression. Griffons are very sociable and inquisitive. They love spending time with their owner. They get along well with other pets. The Brussels Griffon is perfect for you if you like affectionate pets that look like toys.

Smart and quick-witted little dogs of this breed will make you happy. You can play with them, run, and spend leisure time. With proper care, a Schnauzer's coat will always look attractive. You can give them a decorative haircut. Like other hypoallergenic dogs, schnauzers are cute dogs that don't shed.