Golden Wedding: 50th Anniversary Gifts for Grandparents

Choosing gifts for the 50th wedding anniversary of your grandparents is an art, especially for such a meaningful event. This is not just a gift, it is rather a tribute to their love, patience, loyalty and such a long, and certainly difficult life path together. Given the significance and importance of the event, you need to look after an unforgettable gift especially carefully and attentively. At the same time, one should not forget that there are a lot of traditions around this occasion – starting with associations with noble precious metal and ending with the importance of the correct placement of candles on the table.
When choosing a gift for the 50th wedding anniversary, several things must be taken into account at once – the interests, tastes and hobbies of the anniversaries, details of the spouses' common memories, the peculiarities of their everyday life, their current state of health (skydiving or sauna at this age are not always acceptable), etc. Another important feature of a gift on such a day is that it is not just a creative gift for a holiday, but an expression of the essence of five decades lived together, joys and sorrows, quarrels and reconciliations, loyalty and love.
We tried to pick up some 50th anniversary gift ideas for grandparents that would be sufficiently sentimental and respectful of the longevity and strength of the couple's relationship.
1. Personalized photo album

In the house where the family has been living for many decades, one way or another, a lot of family photographs accumulate. Pick up the most heartwarming moments of your grandparents' life together and make them a personalized album with a beautiful touching cover. Let your substantial gift once again remind them of the years they lived together – about the difficulties they overcame together, about joint celebrations and holidays, about the trials they passed and the victories they won.
2. Engraved jewelry

Paired jewelry with a significant date (or several) engraved on it will be more than a piece of jewelry. Such a sincere gift will become a symbol of their love and patience. Jewelry can be replaced with an elegant statuette of an embracing couple or a branching mighty tree, as a symbol of the strength of feelings. Also, gold jewelry can be unpaired, but look like a set – for example, earrings and a necklace for his wife, and cufflinks and a tie clip for him. Completeness can be emphasized by identical precious stones, their similar cut, etc.
3. Blanket

A warm double or two individual blankets will be a wonderful gift for your grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, because older people freeze more and more often than young people, and comfort and warmth in their advanced age is a very important condition for physical health and comfort.
4. Family paths map

Remember or ask your grandparents about all the memorable places they visited. Make a beautiful geographical map and mark all the points that are important to them, decorating each with iconic drawings symbolizing the event that took place there.
5. Family tree
Now in stores you can buy a metal or wooden tree, on the branches of which there are round medallions for photos. Select the appropriate photos and place images of all your family members on it. Let the photos of the grandparents be at the very top, and below them – children, nephews and nieces, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on. Such a gift would be perfect for celebrating the golden wedding of a decent married couple, your grandparents.
6. Traveling together

Over the long years of living together, there have probably accumulated a lot of places that the spouses have visited, but there are also unvisited corners. Fulfill their dream! It's a great reason to add another one to this list and give them a trip together! Believe me, the recipients will be happy!
7. Pillow

For many years they did not part day or night. Give them one large pillow for two and place a memorable family photo dear to their hearts on it. Agree, if they slept under the same blanket for 50 years, then it's time to add one pillow for two to this touching picture for the next half century.
8. Family recipe book

For so many years of living together, your grandparents could not help but accumulate impressive stacks of favorite recipes. Make this culinary masterpiece into a unique printed edition so that the couple always has a "cheat sheet" at hand if any significant ingredient suddenly disappears from memory.
9. Individual playlist
50 years together is a huge layer of shared memories, including musical ones. Talk to your grandparents, ask about the musical compositions that were played at their wedding, which musical styles became popular over the years of their life together, which songs they liked, which bands became their favorites. Make a playlist of their favorite songs, let the music they like always sound in their house.
10. Paired T-shirts

Give your grandparents identical T-shirts with a sentimental inscription or a symbolic image for the 50th anniversary of their wedding. Let husband and wife become even more like each other!
11. Family motto

For sure, your grandparents had some favorite saying during their long life together, which managed to become a kind of family motto. Order a metal sign by choosing some significant shape (horseshoe, shield, etc.). Order an engraving of this memorable phrase and a beautiful elegant image (two birds or faces facing each other). Such a special gift for their wedding anniversary will definitely become significant and symbolic.
12. Personalized mugs

For five decades they have been having breakfast together, drinking their favorite tea or coffee. Give them mugs with their photos, let their love and devotion to each other find another material embodiment!
13. Cozy plaid

A large cozy plaid, in which you can wrap yourself together, is a wonderful gift for anniversaries. Now they will be able to spend evenings in the courtyard of their common house, admire the stars, cuddling up to each other and not being afraid of catching a cold.
14. Their bench

Make a bench for them in the garden with your own hands, or better put in order and decorate the one on which they have been sitting next to each other for the last half century. Make an engraving on it with their names, a date significant to them, or a symbolic saying for their married couple. Your grandparents will be pleased to sit on it for many, many more years, knowing that you have invested so much love, tenderness and care in a gift for their anniversary.
15. Photo restoration
Among the old photos, you've probably seen the most yellowed and battered one, it's clearly been picked up not a dozen, or even a hundred, times. Try to pick it up unnoticed and give it to a restoration workshop, where it can be restored. Choose a suitable frame for it and give it to your grandparents for their 50th wedding anniversary, so that grandma and grandpa can hang it in a prominent place without fear that the picture may completely deteriorate and lose clarity in the light.
16. Wall clock

Time is one of the most amazing things in the world. It can drag on endlessly, or it can fly by, taking with it precious minutes of life, leaving only individual pictures of the past in memory. Give your grandparents a beautiful, elegant, individually engraved watch for their golden wedding anniversary. It will help them not only keep track of time, but also symbolize the infinity of their love, and serve as a reflection of the precious moments they have experienced.
17. Puzzle

A family is a puzzle in which each member is an important part. Turning your favorite family photo into a puzzle is both fun and symbolic. Do this, and you will give this solid married couple the opportunity to relive all the wonderful moments of their lives once again, creating their family anew.
18. E-books

Like most of the older generation, your grandparents probably like to read, and their library probably no longer fit in the house. Give them ebooks. Modern models are not only compact and lightweight, their screens also protect eyesight, and you can increase or decrease the size of the text so that reading brings maximum pleasure and does not cause problems. With such a gift, they will be able to keep all their favorite works in one place and take them everywhere with them.
19. Digital photo frame
During a long life together, so many family photos have accumulated in your grandparents' house that there is enough for more than one thick, massive family album. And no matter how used they are to old paper photographs; it can already be difficult for them to get and revise thick volumes of family history. Give the anniversaries a modern digital photo frame. Their latest models easily support Wi-Fi, so just help them set up a little by specifying your email address, and you can share your photos by sending them from your mailbox directly to the frame. Thanks to the 10-inch display and high-resolution screen, your grandparents will be able to see their grandchildren and great-grandchildren right away.
20. Health-monitoring watches

Taking care of your grandparents' health, give them a pair of smart watches that will monitor the heart rate, temperature, sleep quality and other indicators that allow you to monitor your health and improve its condition. In their advanced age, it is simply necessary to pay attention to this issue in order to stay active and cheerful as long as possible.
21. Electric blanket
Being warm is very important for older people, it relieves joint pain and gives comfort, allows you to fully enjoy watching your favorite TV series or TV show, read an interesting book with pleasure or just drink a cup of fragrant tea or a mug of milk before going to bed. Present such a cozy and very personal gift to the anniversaries on their 50th wedding anniversary, choosing the right size and their favorite colors.
22. Gold rings

They had already exchanged rings once as a sign of their devotion and love for each other. What better proof of their sincerity than half a century spent together? Even if they themselves do not consider it necessary to confirm once again the strength of their bonds, give them paired gold rings, a beautiful custom will serve as a symbol of their love. Personalized engraving with their names or wedding date will make the gift even more valuable and symbolic.
23. Robot vacuum cleaner

Cleaning is a laborious and tedious task, especially for older people. Give your grandparents a modern model of a robot vacuum cleaner, which they can easily set up and, forgetting about the need to wash the floors, spend time doing their favorite things.
24. Candlestick

If you think that romantic candlelit dinners are only for the young, then you are very mistaken. Give a candle holder for two candles to grandma and grandpa on their wedding anniversary, and you will see with what tenderness and love they look at each other.
25. Massage chair
A stunningly comfortable massage chair will not only be a useful gift, but will also have every chance to become a favorite for both grandparents. Therefore, look for a two-seater model so that the couple has no reason to quarrel and take offense at each other. After all, for half a century, they got used to doing everything together.
26. Mobile phones

The older generation is often unable to keep up with the rapid development of modern technology, but they are not alien to the interest in stylish gadgets. Give your grandparents paired gadgets for their wedding anniversary and help them with the settings. Despite their age, they will be happy to use all available functions and always stay in touch.
27. Vinyl record player

Recently, listening to vinyl records has become fashionable again. Surely the older generation of your family has a whole collection of such rarities. Give them a record player and their favorite records a new life.
28. Garden swing

Do your elderly relatives still not have a swing in the garden? And in the yard too? That won't do! Urgently correct this shortcoming and give them a cozy swing for two, so that they have a place where they can comfortably settle down in the evenings, talk quietly or just be silent, looking at the high starry sky.
29. Decorative swans
An elegant golden figurine in the form of a pair of swans leaning towards each other will perfectly fit into the interior of your grandparents' house, serving as another symbol of their loyalty and love.
30. Goldfish aquarium

If a couple of "newlyweds" have an aquarium, then you can update and increase their collection of underwater inhabitants by adding a pair of golden pets to it or present a cute little aquarium with two goldfish as a symbol of their marriage.
31. Wine cabinet

It's good to have a bar in the house. It's even better when this bar is properly equipped. Since it is customary to drink wine chilled to a certain temperature, please your home collectors and give them a special wine cabinet for a golden wedding, which, for all its modernity, has a simple setup and control system, and also has compact enough dimensions to easily fit in the living room of their house.
32. Married couple caricature

Over many years of living together, the spouses become somewhat subtly similar to each other, adopting the characteristic gestures and facial expressions of the second half. Give them a caricature, noting this resemblance that has appeared. This funny, even hilarious, present will definitely cheer them up, giving humor to the atmosphere of sentimentality.
33. Beautiful dishes

For sure, once upon a time, the newlyweds were presented with a large set of dishes for many people with the wishes of a strong, large and friendly family. It's time to update it and in 50 years to present the anniversaries with beautiful dishes with gilded ornaments as a symbol of the golden anniversary. Moreover, now the whole family often gathers in the house and there is someone to put all this beauty on the table for.
34. Portrait
A custom unique couple portrait depicting the wedding day of your grandparents or capturing them at present, but in a historical setting, is a significant gift that will look well on the wall in the living room or even above the fireplace.
35. Family portrait
On the 50th wedding anniversary, it would be logical to hang a picture of the whole family in historical costumes next to the couple portrait.