What to give to a history enthusiast:
33 interesting ideas

When choosing gifts for friends and acquaintances, we always face a dilemma - to give something pleasant or something useful. And this question loses its relevance if the person for whom the gift is intended is deeply passionate about something. Hobbies, of course, come in different forms, each with its own characteristics. For example, it can be quite challenging to find something suitable for a physics enthusiast based on their interests. But if your acquaintance is passionate about literature or, in our case, history, then the freedom of choice becomes much wider - from general historical events to specific periods or biographies of famous personalities.
Gifts for history enthusiasts can be divided into two categories - something of general direction, universal, or something niche, memorable, and valuable. Universal presents can include souvenirs, educational books, stylish notebooks, or journals with thematic images on the cover, and so on. The second category is represented by publications about specific historical events or famous figures, collectible items related to their favorite era, and more.
Certainly, the budget you have for choosing a gift for a history enthusiast matters, but even with limited finances, you can always find something sweet and interesting if you dedicate some time and attention to it.
To make it easier for you to navigate through the gift ideas for history enthusiasts that we offer, we have divided them into several sections according to the type of gift.
Books and Subscriptions

The saying that a book is the best gift has long become a cliché, but it still holds true, especially when it comes to people who are deeply passionate about something. Historians are a perfect example of this. It is unlikely that there is a history enthusiast who would not eagerly and enthusiastically explore something interesting and new in the gifted publication.
Books about masterpieces

A special edition with high-quality illustrations of world historical masterpieces or monuments of a particular country or region (Europe, Australia, etc.) would be an excellent gift for someone passionate about history since history, culture, and art are intricately connected, one cannot exist without the other.
Events that changed history

There are events that have led humanity's history along a specific path and no other. Who among history enthusiasts wouldn't be interested in understanding what exactly influenced historical trajectories, why the current reality is the way it is, how things could have been if certain events hadn't occurred, and whether anything could have been prevented.
Unknown facts

In the history of humanity, there are still many "blank spots," and scientists from all over the world are constantly making significant and minor discoveries, trying to piece together scattered data, uncover details, and trace the course of events. A book about such previously unknown facts would be an excellent gift for your history enthusiast friend.
Biographies of famous historical figures

In the grand scale of all humanity, such individuals are very few. And that makes it all the more interesting to read about their lives and achievements, trying to understand how and with what such outstanding minds lived.
Intriguing stories

History can be diverse - instructive or gloomy, life-affirming or tragic. But almost no one remains indifferent when a phrase addressed to them starts with "Did you know that..." and then goes on about a well-known subject, phenomenon, or person. Curiosity and ambition are characteristic traits of almost all people, especially history enthusiasts.
Encyclopedia of World History
A classic gift for someone who loves historical events would be a book narrating about world history. Moreover, the quality of such publications is now beyond praise.
On this day in history

Who has never wondered what happened on this day, for example, a hundred or even two hundred years ago? Or with surprise and some pride, found out that they were born on the same day as a famous artist or ruler of an ancient empire. You can even find a calendar for sale that indicates important events that happened on a particular day in a year.
Book of Great Maps

This edition gathers the best maps of the world ever created by humanity. The history of cartography is closely connected with the history of the development of human society, its heritage, and secrets hidden in the centuries. This amazing gift will allow any history enthusiast to feel like a little explorer.
Weekly Letter from History

A weekly subscription to historical letters containing copies of rare historical documents or images. For a history enthusiast, this will become a very valuable gift.
Collectible items or authentic historical artifacts are what will definitely make your friend's eyes light up with excitement and anticipation.
Set of ancient coins

Money is one of the most interesting historical artifacts. They bear images of leaders, valued landmarks of that time, and memorable dates of historical events. Coins or banknotes that have long gone out of circulation possess special value, especially if the circulation was limited, and authenticity certificates are attached to the collection.
Vintage writing set

Give your friend the opportunity to feel like a person from the distant past and present them with a calligraphy set with fountain pens and inks. The combination of the atmosphere of the Old World and aristocratic elegance will help the jubilarian immerse themselves in the era of the Founding Fathers of the United States or the Italian Renaissance.
Historical Newspaper

If your friend is even slightly interested in the world history of the 20th century, then order an original newspaper edition or a whole collection of one of the two hundred thousand newspapers from 1900 to yesterday for them.
Antique Globe

Studying the history of world exploration of new territories will be much easier with the help of an antique globe, where you can still see unexplored lands on the planet. Believe me, such a valuable gift is unlikely to gather dust in a corner of your friend's cabinet.
Ancient World Map

In addition to the globe, or separately from it, present your history enthusiast friend with a map of the ancient world. If you are lucky enough to find a map created by the geographer and enthusiast Abraham Ortelius, first published in 1570 ("Typus Orbis Terrarum"), the jubilarian's delight will know no bounds, and their thoughts will immediately travel along the footsteps of ancient civilizations.
Board Games
Board games are loved by everyone - adults and children. What can be more interesting than an exciting journey through storylines, assembling a model of an ancient ship, or competing to quickly complete missing puzzle pieces?
Fighter Plane with Your Own Hands

If your friend is passionate about military history or interested in the development of combat vehicles, the opportunity to assemble a certain model with their own hands, mentally recreating events of past years and the course of a military conflict, will be almost priceless for them. An assembly instruction set for a tank, vessel, or aircraft model will facilitate the challenging moments of the process, and the included stand will allow the model to be displayed beautifully and conveniently.
Create History Yourself

The famous game called "Chronology" allows participants to feel like creators of history, arranging cards in the correct order. Moreover, the events in the game are not widely known. For example, do you know which appeared earlier in time - mayonnaise or decaffeinated coffee? And does someone from your circle of friends or the jubilarian know? Well, let's find out! Nearly 900 events are depicted on almost five hundred cards - there is a chance to keep the entire company of guests entertained for a long time.
The ancient Egyptian game called "Senet," which appeared as early as the 3rd millennium BCE, is sure to captivate a history enthusiast. The boards on which it was played were found among the cult objects of burials. The game lost its popularity at the end of the Roman period. Its rules, of course, were forgotten and lost, but scientists managed to create modern rules that are as close as possible to those times. Believe me, the jubilarian's guests won't refuse to play a couple of rounds, especially considering that the style of the objects and images is maximally close to historical.
Historical Puzzles

Assembling pictures from irregularly shaped fragments is a fun activity loved by generations - from the very young who have just learned to walk and talk to the older generation. And if the images have historical themes, your friend will be thrilled. They will happily embark on an exciting historical journey in the friendly company of party guests.
Historical Construction Set

Like puzzles, most people have been fascinated by construction sets since childhood. People love fun and entertainment, and the human brain is curious and always ready to solve new puzzles and riddles. So it's unlikely that your friend will refuse to have fun and assemble the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, and many other historical and cultural landmarks of the world's nations from hundreds of small colorful pieces.
Ship in a Bottle Model

Another historical model capable of captivating a history enthusiast for a long time. Don't be surprised if your friend's desk is filled with books on shipbuilding history or on tactics and strategies of naval battles during the process of assembling this maritime masterpiece.
Everyday Trinkets
Cute trinkets, souvenirs, decorative figurines, and candles scattered in an imaginary disorder on nightstands and shelves give warmth and coziness to any home. And even though they are not often held in hand, the family atmosphere depends greatly on such little things.

An ancient device that allowed travelers in past centuries to find the right path - a sundial and compass (two in one). A replica of such a device can delight any connoisseur of beauty, not to mention a history enthusiast who can see the functionality and historical value in the elegance of the object.
Mug with History

Even an everyday and almost routine item, such as a mug for morning coffee, can be turned into a historical household item. Print your friend's portrait on it with the caption "History Enthusiast," and your friend will enjoy their favorite beverage every morning, starting the day in a great mood, focused on new achievements in their hobby.
Historical Jewelry

An elegant piece of jewelry in the form of a historical landmark, symbolic sign, memorable historical date, or with the image of a famous historical personality may seem like a mere trinket, but not only large-scale gifts can impress and bring joy and pleasure to someone as passionately immersed in history as your friend. Even a small trinket can evoke a sense of awe in the soul and delight in the elegance of form and deep meaning.

Culinary art is a very ancient craft, even an art form. While not everyone can master it, knowledge of historical recipes and the ingredients used in dishes served for centuries can provide insight into the culture of ancient civilizations, their customs, and way of life. After all, it is from such details, not just major historical events and phenomena, that the history of humanity is woven.
Historical Figurines

Some people, mostly women, are fascinated with collecting porcelain dolls with adorable faces dressed in historical, national, or simply very beautiful attire. Why not take it a step further and start a collection of such dolls with the appearance of famous historical figures - kings and generals, queens and courtiers, artists and sculptors, politicians and revolutionaries? The possibilities for various ideas and options are almost endless.
Historical Busts

Collecting busts of famous figures in world history is a worthy hobby for a history enthusiast. Help your friend expand their collection with unique specimens. However, before giving such a figurine, take a look at whose busts already adorn their shelves - you'll agree that giving them the fourth Napoleon or the ninth Abraham Lincoln is not a very good idea. Try to be original and present your friend with a figurine featuring the image of a character that is not yet in their collection.
Thematic Clocks

Wall clocks are present in almost every home, although with modern gadgets, they gradually begin to lose their relevance and increasingly serve as decorative elements rather than functional, essential household devices. If your friend already has such clocks in their home, give them a clock with a background featuring a historical scene, a masterpiece of painting or architecture, and so on. Such a peculiar work of art promises to be a wonderful gift and complement to the historical theme of interior design.
A tea or coffee mug can be made not personalized but completely historical. Arrange famous historical quotes around it. The use of historical fonts can be an excellent touch in this case.
Vintage Magnets

There are likely few refrigerators in the world devoid of this magnetic load on all surfaces, which your acquaintances and friends bring with such excitement and perseverance from their travels. However, magnets can vary in style. Give your history enthusiast friend one or several vintage magnets or magnets with historical images. By the way, there is absolutely no need to stick them exclusively on the refrigerator. You can create a small magnetic board and decorate one of the walls in your friend's room with such detail.
In the category of VIP gifts, we have included those that will definitely require significant financial investment.
Genuine Antiques
Undoubtedly, your history enthusiast friend has a favorite historical period. Take some time and visit several antique shops in search of a real treasure - an item created precisely in the years and in the country that interests your friend the most. It could be a chiming clock or a musket, a piece of men's or women's clothing, an antique accessory like a fan or cane, a boutonniere or a cigar case. If you decide to make a purchase, don't forget to request a certificate of authenticity from the seller.
Travel Experience
No matter how captivating your friend's hobby is, no one can cancel the need to work, and therefore, he may not have much free time to study the historical nuances he's interested in. However, everyone has a vacation. Give your friend the trip of his dreams - a tour to places where historical events took place, to residences of royal figures, and so on. Such places could include Independence Park and the Statue of Liberty, history museums of various countries, locations of the greatest battles in human history, beloved cities of admired historical figures, and places of great world masterpieces.
Personalized Portrait
Historical Pet Portrait
Immortalizing someone's image for history is undoubtedly one of your friend's cherished desires. Having seen so many historical images, portraits, and sketches, he probably knows how and what should be depicted. However, if he is a modest person, he may hesitate to immortalize himself, so you can give him a portrait of his pet in a historical setting instead.